Thursday, 23 January 2014

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main products (video) and ancillary texts (digipak and advertisement)?

The plans for synergy included: monochrome theme, gold rings, bright lipstick and one of our costumes incorporated into the digipak. Although we did not use one of our costumes because we changed some of our ideas regarding the video and it resulted in us only having one costume so we wanted to have a different costume for the digipak.The aspects of the video that link with my ancillary work are the jewellery, red lipstick and monochrome costumes. The moncochrome costumes and red lipstick are evident but the jewellry not as much as there was an emphasis on the gold jewellery which is not clearly evident in the images used even though we did use them, plus some colourful jewellry, which may have stood out more.

How can your audience recognise them as linked products?
What will be most recognised as a link in my products is the black and white theme (monochrome) which has been used throughout, in the music video (costumes), digipak and advertisement. In the music video colour correction was used to bring out the jewellery and the make up and they are also evident in my digipak and advertisement - red lipstick and gold and coloured jewellry. The coloured jewellery was added when doing the photo shoot, it is not an aspect of synergy but it was used to add colour and be a signifier of the pop genre that The Candi Hearts belong to. They stand out more than the gold jewellry in the images I used on my advertisement and digipak so the gold jewellery may not be as clearly linked to the video. My advertisement and digipak are very clearly linked as the same colour scheme, fonts and images were used in each product. 

colour correction

distinct colour scheme, same image used and same fonts used.

How successful do you think your main and ancillary texts are?
I think my music video and ancillary products are successful as I have gained a good response from my audience and I think I've done a good job in making a music video, digipak and advertisement which look quite professional. Although I do favour my ancillary products over the music video because I had more control over the design ideas and how I will do things. I think my target audience will be attracted to my music video and ancillary work as it's not very conventional to the pop genre and that will make it stand out more and may act as a unique selling point and I also think it has a distinct colour scheme which works well and will be easily recognisable .

Comparison with existing products

These two digipak & advertisements are quite similar to mine.


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