Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Ancillary Research - Social Elements

Whilst looking at previous student's advertisements, I thought they were missing the social element due to lack of idents (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), however, whilst looking at artists in similar genres to ours (Pop), I noticed that none of them used the elements. Why? Is it because it's so obviously you're expected to search these artists on social networking sites? Or-Regardless, I did notice all three artists used a tagline telling consumers what retailers (HMV, iTunes, etc.) the album's available to buy from. But again, still no ident. The only ident I noticed in the every ad were record publications (Island Records).

Though this is a convention typically used with trailers and hollywood film-posters, I think to incorporate a hashtag (e.g. #CandiHeart) in my final product could arguably encourage interactivity from the consumers in a sensible, stylish way. Though he's certainly not the first to do this, Robin Thicke's and his video for 'Blurred Lines' incorporates hashtags well: he blows up the screen with hashtags, edits it to the beat and so fourth. However, 'Blurred Lines, the album' was a commercial flop because he failed to extrapolate this technique and advertise his album. Because I didn't use hashtags in my music video, it's something I'd have to give more thought to.

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