Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Teacher feedback

Hello group 18
Here is some feedback on the blogs for Anca and Anthony.  I know that I spoke to you both about your blogs but I'm putting feedback on the blog too that you can refer back to it when you move into the next phase of the blogging:

Anthony:  now that you've posted your work (please don't leave posts in 'draft' mode again - it makes me panic!) I can see that you are up to date at 22 blog posts.  What I would like you to work on now is thinking of blogs that you can plan and post that are 'off the sheet' - blogs that you've come up with yourself.  This is the key to really getting a high mark and shows an excellent level of engagement with the unit.  Your use of ICT is very good at the moment - some great use of the gif file, slides, prezi and animation.  What I need you to do now is to make sure that you don't miss out any blogs.  Although the reflection on progress and skills audit may appear unconnected to the music video project they are very important and key to success in the A2 exam - so don't miss any more of those out (I can't find the skills audit from AS - is that in drafts somewhere?).  I also need you to make sure that your blogs are detailed - plan them before you post them, being clear about what you are going to say.  remember that more detail is required at A2.  But essentially - a good start.

Anca:  18 blog posts so far, which is a little on the low side.  There are some good posts - in particular your post on Mulvey and the synergy and costume blogs - I really enjoyed reading these. However, one or two others are a little too brief (Vernallis)- too brief for A2 standard work - and your Goodwin blog needs some timings from the videos or jpegs/gifs of the excerpts from videos that you are referring to.    Each blog should be detailed, planned and carefully presented.  I also need you to vary the use of ICT in your blogs: slideshare, wordle, scrible, gifs, audio, for example.  As we move into the planning and construction stages of the unit make sure that you keep up to date and bear the above in mind. 

Good luck!


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